Texas Proposes Gold-Backed Digital Currency Bill

The world is forever changing and I never thought that I would see a state propose a digital currency backed by gold, but it’s finally happened. Two bills have been introduced in the Texas House and Senate proposing the creation of a state-issued, gold-backed digital currency. If enacted, this legislation would give people the option … Read more

Ten Facts About The FDIC Bank Failures

I cover a lot of things about banking and finance, but none as important as this post today. To say that your retirement is at risk is an understatement. As the economy crumbles and banks fall to their death, so does your retirement fund. This is why I’ve decided to share a bunch of research … Read more

Why Cash Rules During A Recession

Now more than ever, the need to be mindful of your finances is greater than ever before. As the global economy continues and investment markets struggle with the tightening of the economy, it is important to understand the implications of financial decisions. Which is why I’m covering the question on cash today. A lot of … Read more

What Fed Rate Hikes Mean For Retirement Accounts Today

Whether you’re into finance and investing or not, you need to know a few things about today’s economic climate. For one, it’s not good in the sense that there’s a lot of uncertainty. Something big happened today related to the economic climate too. The Federal Reserve has been talking about raising interest rates in September … Read more

Fed Rate Hike September 2022

Today the Federal Reserve announces yet another interest rate hike.  The expectation is that it will be raised another three quarters of a percentage point, which would mark the third time in a row that the fed rate hike has aimed at tackling inflation, which has this country in total disarray and even has Biden … Read more